Causes and Events for February

Send Date: Feb 1, 2023

Causes to Get Behind

Celebrating Black History Month with Us!

Cause Week Article:

To be young, gifted, and Celebrating African American History Month! Solel International is over the moon about the celebrations that you can expect from us, and you will be too!

Our two main events are as follows:

Young, Gifted, and Black Artist Showcase

The Young artists’ showcase will be inviting the African Diaspora to show us their pieces and have an opportunity, and importantly, a platform to jump-start their dreams. This week and all additional upcoming weeks we are promoting the Doula Festival in March.

Event Location Link




Social Media Link

What the Kulture Wrap Up


Mardi Gras Masquerade Party: [noun] a social gathering of persons wearing masks and often fantastic costumes. a costume for wear at such a gathering.

We will be inviting all of our members, and even those that aren’t, to come out, grab a bite to eat, and network with like-minded individuals who do work in your field. Both events are great opportunities to lift up and connect with the community members around you! This week and all additional upcoming weeks we are promoting the Doula Festival in March.

Event Locations Link




Social Media Link

What the Kulture Wrap Up


Provider’s Fair at the Historic East Houston Civic Center

We will be inviting all of our members, and even those that aren’t, to come out, grab a bite to eat, and network with like-minded individuals who do work in your field. Both events are great opportunities to lift up and connect with the community members around you! This week and all additional upcoming weeks we are promoting the Doula Festival in March.

Event Location Link




Social Media Link

What the Kulture Wrap Up


Why does the SI matter? Through Solel International, you can give to our cause of giving people a platform and place to be themselves; And get protected in the process. A great way to donate would be to become a provider and sponsee healthcare packages for those that may not be able to afford it. You can change a life just by small investments here and there. Giving a little each pay period turns into a significant gift at the end of the year, and more importantly, one you can be proud of with no strings attached.


Causes and Events for March


Causes and Events for January